


She has to go away

She doesn't know why

She doesn't know what

She's missing or what

She's looking for

She just knows

She hasn't found it yet

And so she takes

The smallest road west

That for a long time

Has not felt the touch

Of a woman's feet

Almost forgotten by humankind

She walks

To the end of the land

Her long hair

And white dress

Gently swaying in the wind

And there she stands

Waiting for one last kiss

Before the world ends.

And there she stands

Through sun and storm

Through day and night

Until the tide comes

Licking at her feet

And the spray caresses her face

And she has long forgotten

About time

And she has long forgotten

About the world

For she just stands there


Until the seabirds

Nest on her shoulders

And the barnacles

Cling to her toes

She just stands there

Face turned to the sea

To the immeasurable vastness

Of the ocean

Steady gaze into the distance

Her eyes fixed on the horizon

Her soul expanded

Her self dissolved

She stands and holds

The entire world

With a breath

And through the fire

In her heart.

For if she leaves

- what will remain?

June 2019


I - What Is It?


Wahat. The Desert.